Monday, July 14, 2008

Just now getting back to post

It seems that right after I created our blog, things became very busy here. I would say that I have experienced the extreme -- highs and lows. Actually one of the lows happened before I set this up. Without warning, but not far from my mind, I had received word of my only brother's impending death. Before I could leave Utah, he quickly slipped away. My sister-in-law told me that after all he had suffered (liver transplant, dialysis, and then prostate cancer, he went quietly. No service was to be held as my brother had no friends that he regularly associated with and did not associate with family. This was sad to me, but I could only respect the family's wishes.

On the upswing, that very day I had the privilege to work at the Missionary Training Center. Our dept. had done the flowers for the Mission President's Seminar. What a treat it was to eat breakfast with all the missionaries that morning. It was fun to watch the MP's come to the MTC (as the missionaries do), saying goodbye to their families.

Then, our family celebrated birthdays - Brianne and Ian. Ian is now 20 and almost half way through his mission. He loves his mission and tells us every week about the great time he is having. His outgoing MP, Pres. Gessel & his wife, returned home to Utah. Last Sunday was their homecoming. What a wonderful experience! They are fabulous people. I am so happy Ian had the chance to work with them. The highlight of the homecoming was when the former Oregon Portland missionaries were called forward to sing the mission song. To my amazement, close to 200 missionaries filled the stand! Talk about a spiritual lift!

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